Customers Approved Supplements
Dog Stories 
Tyler joint comfort - new lease for life
New lease for life After coming home for end of life care Tyler has regained his lease for life 8 months on!
After coming home for end of life care Tyler has regained his lease for life 8 months on!
Well what can I say, Hack Up Bespoke has come up trumps again!!
I have used Hack Up Bespoke successfully for a number of years for mine and my daughter's horses.
In September last year, after lots of tests my dog Tyler was diagnosed with an incurable liver disease. He was so poorly he was given weeks to live. Armed with medication we brought him home. However, someone forgot to tell Tyler! Eight months on he is still here! He is happy and looks well in himself but over the last couple of months he slowed down a lot on his walks and was lagging so far behind we were having to wait for him to catch up. I decided to contact Hack Up Bespoke to see if they could offer anything to work alongside his medication. A Bespoke was formulated and I decided to give it a try. I am so glad I did. Already safe in the knowledge their products are brilliant, I still cannot believe how quickly Tyler’s Bespoke has worked. Within 3 days (really!) he was running around the fields and when I’m poo picking the field he is back to chasing the wheelbarrow trying to bite the wheel as I’m pushing it along. I’m truly delighted to see him like this.
Hack Up Bespoke products really are the best and I cannot rate them highly enough for their wonderful products and service.