Customers Approved Supplements
Dog Stories 
Jamie Rickers joins Nik and her team
Nik and her team invites the TV Celeb Jamie Rickers on to their team. The world of TV has become the world of dog and digital channels, but that works for Jamie because he is amazed with the team he is now involved in.
"I am SOOO excited to be involved with this fantastic company who have helped me with my puppy just this month." starts Jamie Rickers CITV presenter.
"Nicola, one of the dog experts behind this amazing website, is so knowledgeable about dog nutrition and she really cares that she has made our lives easier by teaching us how to feed our puppy to make his digestion so comfortable that he can come off the vet options. Not only does it save money it makes me learn about my dog with an amazing source of support and expertise" Today, I worked with Nik with one of my super dog-mad friends Oli and he is now awaiting his first delivery for his tiny Teacup dog. Nik said "he has such a tiny teeny dog and we are going to work together to calm him down. Oli sounded lovely and I am looking forward to seeing photos of a chilled pup and how cute they look together!"
Covid changed my life beyond my expectation and now with this newfound love of dogs, nutrition and opportunity I can see a way forwards to a wonderful place of animals, nature and fitness. I am not alone with having had a tough time, and when getting a puppy, owning a dog is a huge responsibility and we love them like our human family members so I am now looking forwards to using my past experiences and bonding them to my new way of life.
We never know what is around the corner, but what we can do is shape today. So as of now, lets make some exciting things happen, learn lots, love our dogs and feed them the best nutrition available to them - all handmade in the UK and totally natural!