joint supplements for dogs

Dogs do talk

Rosie's talking to me, you can see my phone by Berts face, he does not need words.

Rosie drove for two ours to meet my incredible team of technicians. As she was sharing her story with me Bert was just telling me with his body language and intent in his face that if he had words, he would be saying exactly the same thing.

The dog owners are their dogs voices to us but his body, his movement and his temprement all told a story to us about how our pets feel. Rosie had reached out to us because he was filled with anxiety and movement issues. He is now like a new again, was her message. She met up with friends at the Suffolk Dog Day who could not believe the transformation and how soft he was to touch.

The diet we feed our dogs is key to how they feel. I personally learned a lot.

  • Tallulah was going to the toilet LOTS - that was triggered by fillers in her dry food, I had no idea.
  • Tallulah was overweight, this has recently happened and I had changed her dry food as I went to a different supermarket.
  • Supplements can not be added to your dogs complete feed without adding more calories to their diet.
  • Tallulah has a sore back in her 5 min assessment just a few days before the show when Lisa had treated my horse. She had treatment and was not allowed to dance with us for few days.
  • Tallulah is now on drizzle liquid joint and sprinkling joint powders onto her new raw diet. We are transferring her gradually and are looking forwards to day one today, 2nd August 2022.
  • People's feelings on their dogs and cats diets I was so able to relate to, it made me feel comfortable and accepted that others are all keen to do the best they can, but making it easy and almost taking the thinking part away was what we were searching.

The team of experts that I feel honored to work with was one of my biggest learns this weekend. Now, it is up to us to package this in a way that the consumer feels secure because our pets deserve it.